Industrial & Liaison Department

Industrial Attachments are an excellent way to help the student learn more about a career, find out what it’s like to work in your potential career, gain valuable experience to build your resume get to know employers and make a solid network receive credit for real world experience.
An Industrial Attachment is a structured, credit-bearing work experience in a professional work setting during which the student applies and acquires knowledge and skills. It involves the application of learned skills in an organization related to the students’ major. An Industrial Attachment should challenge the student to examine the values of the organization involved in the experience, and to assess the student’s education as it relates to the Industrial Attachment.Each department at THIKA technical has a departmental ILO who prepares letters for students from the department who will proceed for industrial attachment atleast three months before the students proceed for attachment.The letters are then put in the dhelpepartmental e-mail and the students are then given the email address and the password.They can now download the letter and edit it to suit each student by name admission number and the place each wants to request for attachment.This letter is then taken to the office of the ilo for signing and stamping.  

The ILO (Industrial and Liaisons Office) deals with the placement and assessment of the students in different organizations and companies for their industrial attachment. The student identifies the areas where he/she would like to be attached and gives this information to the office which writes to the organization an introductory letter about the student. The office also helps students who have failed to get an attachment by searching one for such students.NITA helps get attachments

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